E-mail: aplesca@tuiasi.ro
Phone: (+40)232 278683, office hours in Romania (GMT +2)
Fields of interests:
1. Electric Apparatus/Equipment (Electric arc, Contact resistance, Electromagnetic/Electrodynamic forces, Relays, Fuses, Contactors, Circuit breakers, Switchgears, Arresters, Switch-disconnectors, Special electric apparatus);
2. Modelling and Simulation of Electrical Apparatus/Equipment (Mathematical models of electrical apparatus, Analytical analysis of electrical equipment behaviour, Numerical analysis of electrical apparatus);
3. Thermal Analysis of Power Assemblies (Thermal behaviour of electric equipment during steady-state and transient conditions, Thermal management of low voltage panels, Thermal management of switchgears, Cooling systems for power electronics devices).
Detailed CV: follow link here;
List of Papers: follow link here;
List of Completed Research Projects: follow link here
Web page: follow link here