Coordinator: Prof.dr.eng. Burlică Radu
Research profile:
The field of research activity refers to: Electrical Power, Advanced solutions for integrated control and management of energy in order to increase energy efficiency, Electrical power equipment design and testing, Management of transmission and distribution networks, Renewable energy sources, Research on the power networks, High Voltage Technologies and testing, Non-thermal plasma advanced oxidation technologies.
- Research Laboratories:
- Electrical Power Equipment design, testing and monitoring;
- Energy management / Energy quality optimization;
- Power distribution / Smart-Grids design and applications;
- Insulation testing for High-voltage equipment;
- Testing Design and monitoring of renewable energy systems;
- Non-thermal Plasma Laboratory;
- Prof. dr. eng. Marcel Istrate
- Prof. dr. eng. Adam Marcel
- Prof. dr. eng. Mihai Gavrilaş
- Prof. dr. eng. Munteanu Florin
- Prof. dr. eng. Burlică Radu
- Prof. dr. eng. Pleşca Traian
- Conf. dr. eng. Nemeş Ciprian
- Conf. dr. eng. Grigoraş Gheorghe
- Sl. dr. eng. Scarlatache Florina
- Sl. dr. eng. Ivanov Ovidiu
- Sl. dr. eng. Beniuga Oana
- Sl. dr. eng. Astanei Dragoş
- Sl. dr. eng. Neagu Bogdan
- Sl. dr. eng. Andruşca Mihai
- International:
- Universite d'Orleans, France, Politecnico di Torino Italy, University of Catania Italy, ESIGELEC Rouen, SUPELEC Paris, Universite d'Angers France, University of Bologna Italy, Florida State University USA.
- National:
- Integrated control and management platform of energy carriers flows for increasing energy efficiency at SME, Grant PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0190, Research Project 105CI/25.07.2017, Project Manager: Grigoraș Gheorghe
- Integrated system for the optimization of energy consumption of pumping groups within irrigation systems, Grant PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0169, Research Project 17CI/25.07.2017 Project Manager: Scarlatache Florina
- Software tool for the management of transactions on the electricity market, Grant PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0328, Research Project t 45CI/25.07.2017, Project Manager: Ivanov Ovidiu
- Intelligent system for electricity network congestion forecasting and control, Research grant supported by CNCSIS - PNCDI II Partnership program (2008-2011)
- Software tool for electricity market transaction management – GT Market Research grant supported by PNCDI III Partnership program (2017)
- Increasing the Agricultural Production in Greenhouses using Non- Thermal Plasma Activated Water Technology for Irrigation, PN III, PCE – 15/2017.
- Hidrogen production using Non-Thermal Plasma Technologies, PNII– IDEI 331/uefiscdi_RO, PI. Burlica Radu
- Demand-Side Management of residential prosumers with photovoltaic systems. Project PN-III-P2-2.1-CI-2017-0823, contract no.145 CI/10.10.2017.
- Research on renewable energy integration: studies towards the development of electricity supply service. Project PERFORM-ERA, ID – 57649, 2010 - 2013, POSDRU/89/1.5/S/57649 (2007-2013).
- M. Adam, Intelligent system for monitoring and diagnostic of electrical equipment – SIMDE, Grant PNCDI 2-Parteneriate, Contract nr. 2014, 2007-2010.
- Industrials:
- Dynamic loading of overhead electric lines based on on-line assessment of transmission capacity, Research project supported by Transelectrica S.A. Transmission Branch Bacău (2012-2013).
- Research and technical assistance for technical losses reduction in the distribution network of EON Moldova Distribution, Research project supported by E.ON Moldova Distribution S.A. (2014-2016).
- Active energy losses forecast for the electricity distribution network operated by Delgaz Grid S.A., Research project supported by Delgaz Grid S.A. (ex. E.ON Moldova Distribution), (2017).
- Experimental research on the design, operation and exploitation of photovoltaic panels andintelligent optimization of biaxial orientation. Polytech contract no. 2274P / 17.12.2012 - 15.06.2014.
- Scientific research contract no. 27373/22.12.2015, Data analysis and interpretation, creation of data processing algorithms, computer assisted simulation and generation of the simulation reports. Beneficiary: Power System' s Maintenance Service Society, SMART S.A
- Burlică, R.; Shih, K-Y; Locke, B. R., Formation of H-2 and H2O2 in a Water-Spray Gliding Arc Nonthermal Plasma Reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Volume: 49 Issue: 14 Pages: 6342-6349 2010
- Burlică, Radu; Shih, Kai-Yuan; Hnatiuc, Bogdan; Locke, Bruce Hydrogen Generation by Pulsed Gliding Arc Discharge Plasma with Sprays of Alcohol Solutions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Volume: 50 Issue: 15, Pages:9466-9470, 2011
- Burlică, Radu; Finney, Wright C.; Locke, Bruce R., Effects of the Voltage and Current Waveforms and Discharge Power on Hydrogen Peroxide Formation in Water-Spray Gliding Arc Reactors, IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, Volume: 49 Issue: 3 Pages: 1098-1103 2013
- Avishek Banerjee, Mihai Gavrilaș, Gheorghe Grigoraș, Samiran Chattopadhyay, Minimization of reliability indices and cost of power distribution systems in urban areas using an efficient hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm, Soft Computing, 2017, on-line, ISSN: 1432-7643, (FI = 2.472)
- Gheorghe Grigoraș, Florina Scarlatache, An assessment of the renewable energy potential using a clustering based data mining method. Case study in Romania, Energy, Volume 81, pp. 416, 2015, ISSN: 0360-5442 (FI = 4,52)
- Gheorghe Grigoraș, Gheorghe Cârțină, The fuzzy correlation approach in Florina Rotaru, Gianfranco Chicco, Gheorghe Grigoraș, Gheorghe Cârțină, Two-stage distributed generation optimal sizing with clustering-based node selection, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Vol. 40, Nr. 1, pp. 120–129, 2013, ISSN: 0142-0615 (FI = 3,289)
- Ciprian Nemeş, Munteanu F., Astanei D., Analysis of grid-connected photovoltaic system integration on low-voltage distribution network, Journal of sustainable energy, vol. 7, nr. 1, pp. 9 – 14, ISSN 2067-5534.
- Dragoş Machidon, Marcel Istrate, Weather Influence Analysis on the Lightning Protection Current Estimation, Acta Electrotehnica, Number 3-2015, Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Modern Power Systems, MPS 2015, Romania, pp.161-164, ISSN 1841-3323.
- Machidon D., Istrate M., A new model based on electro-geometrical theory for estimating the lightning protection zones, Published in Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), 2013 8th International Symposium, May, Bucharest, pp.1-5, Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-5979-5.
- M. Adam, A. Munteanu, C.M. Pancu, M. Andrușcă, Method and apparatus for monitoring and diagnosis of joint coils, request patent, no. a 00233, 2017.
- M. Andruşcă, M. Adam, A. Baraboi, A. Dragomir, A. Munteanu, Using Fuzzy Logic for Diagnosis of Technical Condition of Power Circuit Breakers, 8th EPE, pp. 268-273, Iași, România, 2014.