E-mail: molariu@tuiasi.ro
Phone: (+40) 744 474232, office hours in Romania (GMT +2)
Main domains of research interests:
1. Development of viable alternative polymeric solutions with tailored dielectric properties based mainly on polyimide as substrate for flexible electronic devices;
2. Develop and characterize nanocomposites based on intrinsic conducting polymers with inherent electrical conductivity;
3. Electromanipulation of nanoparticle, namely onion-like carbon, at the level of interdigitated microelectrodes with the help of dielectrophoresis for development of sensing devices)
4. Electromanipulation of biological cells (e.g. malignant cells) with the help of dielectrophoresis with applications in personalized medicine.
5. Organic electronics and suitable printing technologies for development of flexible electronic and electrical devices.
Detailed CV: follow link here;
List of Papers: follow link here;
List of Completed Research Projects: follow link here
Web page: follow link here